SSTA Member Subscriptions


To join the SSTA please complete the
Online Enrolment Form

All new members to the Association can benefit from our new special offer of 50% off the normal subscription for the first 12 months of paid membership when sending a completed direct debit instruction with their application (Terms and Conditions apply). This represents a saving of up to £100 a year based on current 2023 subscription paying by monthly direct debit.

Membership Costs 2023

Full-time members

£184.25 if paid annually by 31 January 2023, or £201.00 if paid afterwards;

£16.75 per month from January 2023 when paid by monthly direct debit.

Retired, part-time, job-share, temporary or supply members:

£92.18 if paid annually by 31 January 2023, or £100.56 if paid afterwards;

£8.38 per month from January when paid by monthly direct debit.

We should like to remind you that your SSTA subscriptions are a tax allowable expense. Two-thirds of the annual subscription payable to the Association is allowable for income tax relief. Section 343, Part 5, Chapter 2 of the Income tax (Earning and Pensions) Act 2003. Further information on how to make a claim can be found on the HMRC website

New Entrants

New entrants to the profession, including former Associate members, are admitted free for 16 months from the August of the year in which they complete their initial teacher training.

Month of Joining Full-TimeTemporary, Part-Time, Job-share, Supply
February £184.25 £92.18
March £167.50 £83.80
April £150.75 £75.42
May £134.00 £67.04
June £117.25 £58.66
July £100.05 £50.28
August £ 83.75 £41.90
September £ 67.00 £33.52
October £ 50.25 £25.14
November £ 30.50 £16.76
December £ 16.75 £ 8.38

To join the SSTA please complete the
Online Enrolment Form

Two-thirds of the annual subscription payable to the Association is allowable for income tax relief. Section 343, Part 5, Chapter 2 of the Income tax (earning and Pensions) Act 2003. A Proforma letter "Tax Relief on Subscriptions - Jan 2023" that shows subscription rates for Association membership over the past few years. Further information on how to claim the tax back can be found on the HMRC website. Tax Relief for professional fees and subscriptions.

There are specialist firms that can assist you in doing this and at the same time, check if you have been missing out on any other tax allowances or been given the wrong tax code by HMRC meaning you are owed a tax refund.

The Tax Refund Company is one such firm and has helped over 140,000 teachers. They can quickly find out if it worth having your tax codes checked by visiting