Who's who in the SSTA


SSTA Office Bearers:

  • Stuart Hunter - President
  • Monique Dreon-Goold - Vice President
  • Elaine Henderson - General Treasurer
  • Alan Taylor - Minutes Secretary
  • Catherine Nicol - Immediate Past President

Permanent Officials based in the Edinburgh office are:

  • Seamus Searson - General Secretary
  • Fiona Dalziel - Assistant General Secretary
  • Iain Glennie - Assistant General Secretary
  • Euan Duncan - Assistant General Secretary
  • Catherine Ross - Professional Officer

A list of the SSTA District Secretaries can be found here.

Getting in touch with the SSTA

Any member can contact SSTA HQ with any query at any time, especially if the matter is confidential or of a serious nature, for example a contractual or disciplinary issue. You can either telephone 0131 313 7300 or email info@ssta.org.uk.

However, members can also contact their school representative for advice and support, particularly in matters relating to the school 35 hour agreement or similar school related issues and wherever you may require to have someone accompany you to a meeting in school at short notice. You may also contact the SSTA District Secretary for your area who can advise on local matters JCC/JCG or LNCT.